Defining essential perinatal mental health care: specialist services

The MMHA’s ‘Make all care count’ campaign phase highlights and defines eight essential services that can play a crucial role in improving outcomes for women and families affected by perinatal mental health (PMH) problems.

Currently, access to comprehensive PMH care is not equal. Action is needed to ensure these essential services are commissioned, funded and resourced. The MMHA will release resources to identify gaps and the impact they could have on women, babies and families.

What is the role of specialist PMH services in providing essential PMH care?


Eleanor's story

"My care was taken over by the community perinatal mental health team. I was assigned a perinatal mental health nurse and a nursery nurse, who worked with my baby and me on our bonding. It was invaluable being under their care, and after six months I was discharged."

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More information about specialist PMH services:

  1. What are perinatal mental health services? (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
  2. Perinatal psychology provision in specialist perinatal community mental health services (BPS)
  3. Information on Mother and Baby Units (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
  4. Map of Specialist Community Perinatal Mental Health Teams in the UK (MMHA, 2020)
  5. Map of Mother and Baby Units in the UK (MMHA, 2021)

If you are aware of any resources it would be useful to add, please email

Discover more essential services:

Health visiting

What is the role of health visiting in providing essential perinatal mental health care?

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Maternity services

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See all services

The MMHA’s ‘Make all care count’ campaign phase highlights and defines eight essential services...

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