Fatherhood Institute
The Fatherhood Institute’s vision is a society that gives all children a strong and positive relationship with their father and any father-figures; supports both mothers and fathers as earners and carers; and prepares boys and girls for a future shared role in caring for children.
The Fatherhood Institute is the UK’s fatherhood think-and-do-tank:
- Collate, publish and mobilise international research on fathers and their impact on children and mothers
- Report on and develop approaches to engaging with fathers mainly in the health, education and family sectors
- Help shape national and local policy to ensure a father-inclusive approach
- Inject research evidence on fathers, fatherhood and co-parenting into national debates about parenting and parental roles
- Lobby for changes in law, policy and practice to dismantle barriers to UK fathers’ care of infants and children
- Help mothers and fathers in the UK and internationally balance their ‘cash and care’ responsibilities and co-operate productively as a ‘parenting team’
- Are the leading provider in the UK (and to an extent internationally) of training, consultancy and publications on father-inclusive practice,