Resource Hub

Discover a wealth of resources designed to help you support women and families impacted by perinatal mental health problems. Whether you work in healthcare, local or national government we hope you find what you need.

We are in the process of updating the Hub, so if you have a resource to add or think something is missing, please email

A sound investment: Increasing access to treatment for women with common maternal mental health problems

MMHA Pdf, 2.0mb

Published: February 2022

Commissioned by the MMHA, this policy briefing summarises the latest maternal mental health-related economic research from LSE and the case for action. It explores the current policy context for perinatal mental health care and how the case for investment can be implemented in practice.

Briefing: Perinatal Mental Health and Domestic Abuse

MMHA Pdf, 2.9mb

Published: January 2023

This briefing contains key learning points that emerged from MMHA's domestic abuse and perinatal mental health roundtable in November 2022. Our aim is to take stock of what we know about the intersection of perinatal mental health and domestic abuse, including highlighting gaps in practice, policy and research.

CCQI Standards for Community Perinatal Mental Health Services, 6th Ed

Royal College of Psychiatrists Pdf, 516.0kb

Published: June 2023

These standards are designed to be applicable to community perinatal services and can be used by professionals to assess the quality of the team. The standards may also be of interest to commissioners, patients, carers, researchers and policy makers.

Everyone's Business - eBulletin 28 - Summer 2024

MMHA Pdf, 1.1mb

Published: July 2024

The Maternal Mental Health Alliance's eBulletin provides a regular update on the Everyone's Business campaign, which calls for all women throughout the UK with perinatal mental health conditions to receive the treatment they need, where and when they need it.

Executive Map Summary: Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Care in the UK 2023

MMHA Pdf, 807.4kb

Published: May 2023

The MMHA has been mapping the provision of specialist perinatal mental health services across the UK since 2013. Using quality standards created by the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Perinatal Quality Network to visualise levels of provision, these maps chart the postcode lottery women, babies, and families have faced in accessing essential, lifesaving care in their local area.

General Election 2024 maternal mental health briefing for parliamentarians

MMHA Pdf, 343.4kb

Published: February 2024

The Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) is calling for all political parties to demonstrate their support for the mental health of new and expectant mothers in the 2024 General Election.

Implementation supplement to the report: The economic case for increasing access to treatment for women with common mental health problems during the perinatal period

London School of Economics Pdf, 160.0kb

Published: May 2022

This supplement was developed in response to feedback we received from some members of our advisory group after publication of the report ‘The economic case for increasing access to treatment for women with common mental health problems during the perinatal period'.

Listening to women who have experienced child removal due to drug and alcohol use

MMHA Pdf, 796.7kb

Published: August 2024

This Listening Project was born out of a desire to listen to women who have experienced child removal due to drug and alcohol use, and learn about the impact this had on their mental health. We believe that listening to women’s experiences is the only way we’ll find out what’s not working, discover what will and take action in ways that address the root causes of injustice and exclusion.

Map: Accredited Mother and Baby Units (MBUs) in the UK

MMHA Pdf, 316.6kb

Published: December 2023

Map produced by the Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) showing the locations of Mother and Baby Units (MBUs) across the UK, including contact details for each one. MBUs are specialist, in-patient units for women experiencing severe perinatal mental health problems where they can stay with their baby while they recieve care.

Maps: Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Care in the UK 2023

MMHA Pdf, 3.6mb

Published: May 2023

The Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) has been mapping levels of specialist PMH services across the UK since 2015. The last set of maps showing the state of the postcode lottery were released by the MMHA in early 2020, just at the start of the pandemic. Since then, clearly much has changed.

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