Resource Hub

Discover a wealth of resources designed to help you support women and families impacted by perinatal mental health problems. Whether you work in healthcare, local or national government we hope you find what you need.

We are in the process of updating the Hub, so if you have a resource to add or think something is missing, please email

Specialist Health Visitors in Perinatal and Infant Mental Health

None Pdf, 850.7kb

Published: January 2022

The report recommends commissioning of Specialist Health Visitors in Perinatal and Infant Mental Health throughout UK to tackle growing social cost issues.

SUMMARY Turning the Map Green: The Everyone’s Business Campaign (2016-21)

MMHA Pdf, 1.0mb

Published: July 2024

This paper summarises the findings of the Independent Evaluation Report of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance’s (MMHA) Everyone’s Business campaign’s work between 2016 and 2021.

Systemic racism, not broken bodies

Birthrights Pdf, 4.3mb

Published: January 2022

An inquiry into racial injustice and human rights in UK maternity care.

The Black Maternity Experiences Survey

Five X More Pdf, 1.4mb

Published: May 2022

A nationwide study of black women's experiences of maternity services in the UK. Both quantitative and qualitative data was gathered from 1340 women and birthing people from around the UK who either identified as Black or of Black mixed heritage and had accessed NHS maternity services whilst pregnant between 2016 and 2021.

The costs of perinatal mental health problems (2014)

MMHA Pdf, 3.7mb

Published: January 2014

Independent report to document the economic costs of perinatal mental illness for UK society - 2014 edition.

Turning the Map Green: Evaluating the Everyone’s Business Campaign 2016–2021

MMHA Pdf, 1.2mb

Published: July 2024

This independent report evaluates the impact of the Campaign between 2016 and 2021, a phase focused on the development of high-quality specialist perinatal mental health (PMH) services. These services, which comprise PMH community teams and inpatient mother and baby units (MBUs), provide life-saving care to women and families affected by perinatal mental illness.

Understanding lived experience of suicidality during the perinatal period

The Maternity Consortium Pdf, 349.4kb

Published: September 2024

The SANDS and Tommy's Policy Unit led a project to engage with women and birthing people who have self-harmed, had suicidal thoughts and/or attempted suicide during the perinatal period. All participants were interviewed by the Maternal Mental Health Alliance, the Nelson Trust or Yogibirds. The project worked closely with Samaritans who provided support and advice. The aim of this report is to understand these experiences in order to identify how support in the perinatal period can be improved and the risk of self-harm and suicide reduced.

Video Interaction Guidance in a Nutshell

MMHA Pdf, 730.3kb

Published: January 2016

Hilary Kennedy, Educational Psychologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer UCL and AVIG UK National Trainer and Supervisor, explains the intervention and how widely it can be used to support the parent-infant relationship.

Why Health Visitors Matter

None Pdf, 3.0mb

Published: May 2022

This report is a compilation of short testimonies about why health visitors are important in ensuring our children are safe, healthy and able to thrive. Through these testimonies we see the importance of health visitors’ work and the breadth and depth of what they do.

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