Discover a wealth of resources designed to help you support women and families impacted by perinatal mental health problems. Whether you work in healthcare, local or national government we hope you find what you need.
We are in the process of updating the Hub, so if you have a resource to add or think something is missing, please email
Action on Postpartum Psychosis Pdf, 907.5kb
Published: March 2018
Women with bipolar disorder, or with experience of PP, told us about the issues they faced when planning for a baby. This guide brings together advice from professionals and families about getting the support you need in pregnancy and birth.
Action on Postpartum Psychosis Pdf, 722.0kb
Published: March 2018
Postpartum psychosis is a traumatic experience for both women and their partners. Dads and co-parents talked to us about what they had wanted to know, and gave us their ideas for coping during admission, recovery and beyond.
Best Beginnings, Home-Start, Parent Infant Foundation Pdf, 5.5mb
Published: August 2020
Lockdown has been a seismic shock for every family and community. Sadly, the voices of the hardest hit have been heard the least. This report sets about to change this by exploring pandemic and lockdown reflections from a diverse group of expectant and new parents during the critical first months and years of their babies’ development.
MMHA X PIMHS Pdf, 7.1mb
Published: February 2024
Unprecedented Scottish Government investment in this area since 2019 has led to the expansion of existing specialist CPMHTs in three Health Boards and the creation of nine new services. This means many more women, babies, and families in Scotland can access and benefit from this critical care. While there is much to be celebrated, there is still much more work to be done.