Posted By: MMHA
2 minute read
Following the birth of my second baby, I experienced postnatal depression. But in the Fife area, where I was living at the time, there were no services to support me. After I asked my GP for help, I was given anti-depressants and sent away. The effect of this was that my attachment to my son suffered and I struggled with mental health problems for the next six years.
When I had my third child, everything was different. As I was now living in the Forth Valley, and was registered as high risk, I was supported by a great health visitor and NHS Forth Valley’s perinatal mental health team, and I could easily access Aberlour Perinatal Befriending Support Service.
Aberlour basically changed my life. I built up a great relationship with a befriender, who I trusted 100%. She helped to boost my confidence as a parent, showed me it was okay to talk about my worries, and provided me with lots of practical mental health tips. I also found talking through things with the perinatal mental health team a huge help, and they provided me with coping strategies.
Having access to these wonderful services means my mental health has improved a lot. I now have a great attachment to my children, and life, in general, is not as much of a struggle as it was.
I do know, though, that I only got the care and support I needed because I’d moved to the Forth Valley – a situation that isn’t right. I think everyone throughout the UK should have access to the services they need, no matter what their postcode is.
Much more must be done to make perinatal mental health teams available in people’s local areas. Maternity staff, GPs, health visitors and nurses all need to be educated more about perinatal mental health, the signs to look out for, and who they should refer women and their families to. These steps would change so many lives.
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